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Hario V60

The Hario V60 is our favorite filter brew method at Ritual. With its fast brew time and dynamic water flow, it creates a cup that is sweet, bright, and full of nuance. The coffee to water ratio and using a scale are the important factors to watch out for.

When you’re brewing, make sure to evenly pour over the entire bed of coffee and watch out for the sides. Pouring too hard against the side of the filter can cause water to shoot past the bed of coffee, diluting your cup and not extracting anything.

Favoring one area of the dripper when you pour can cause what’s known as a channel. This is when water finds a path of least resistance in the bed of coffee, pulling too much out of one area and not enough out of the rest. If this happens, you can end up with a cup that contains both bitter and sour, but not a harmonious blend of the two.

An easy way to gauge how even your pours are is trying to keep the color of the foam on the top of your brew an even color. Stay away from areas that are lighter than the rest and pay more attention to those dark spots! Pouring in a circular motion helps to give even attention to your entire brew bed.

For This Brewing Method You Will Need
Coffee / Water Ratio

V60-1: 15g of coffee to 250g of water
V60-2: 25g of coffee to 380g of water

Brew Time

2½ to 3 minutes


Medium (7.5 on a 1 to 10 grinder, 20 on the Baratza Encore)

  1. Bring filtered water to a boil.
  2. Rinse the entire filter with hot water.
  3. Add ground coffee to filter and gently tap to settle the grounds. Place V60 and mug on a scale and zero it.
  4. BLOOM: Add 60 grams of water, then use a spoon and gently flip the bottom of the brew bed onto the top, completely saturating the grounds.
  5. FIRST POUR: At 45 seconds, add 140 grams of water, pouring in gentle concentric circles, moving from the center to the outside of the bed, ensuring not to touch the sides of the filter. Total brew weight should now be 200 grams.
  6. SECOND POUR: At around 1:20 minutes, add 100 grams of water, keeping the same pouring technique. Make sure not to fill higher than the level of grounds you have already established.
  7. FINAL POUR: At 1:50-1:55 minutes, add 80 grams of water. Then, using a spoon, scrape along the edge of the filter at the top of the brew, ensuring not to touch the brew bed.
  8. Coffee should finish brewing between 2:45 and 3:00 minutes, when the stream of coffee from the filter turns to a drip.
  9. Stir and enjoy!
pour over set up

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